ANTHRA is an Indian NGO with interests in livestock production and veterinary medicine as it relates to developing agriculture. They operate in Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and collaborated with us in the application of the Talking Pictures – Dairy tool on small livestock holdings in these two states.

BAIF Development Research Foundation

BAIF is a large Indian NGO with operations in 13 states. We have been working with them, in Gujurat and Rajasthan, on the application of novel decision support methodologies for smallholder dairy farmers since the year 2000.

CAB International

We have worked with CABI on approaches to integrating some of our software tools (Drastic and Talking Pictures) with online data repositories linked to their Animal Health and Production Compendium.

Centre for Arid Zone Studies

Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine

We have colloborated with researchers from CTVM in the development and testing of the Oxfeed decision support tool for planning the feeding management of working oxen.

Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

FAO Pro-poor Livestock Initiative

We have been commissioned by the FAO Pro-poor Livestock Initiative (PPLPI) to contribute to the design and development of Extrapolate, a computerised decision support tool that may be used for assessing the impacts of alternative policy measures.

International Livestock Research Institute

We have collaborated with researchers from ILRI in a number of areas since the mid 1990s. These include research projects examining the role of livestock in nutrient cycling in smallholder crop-livestock systems; the dynamics of feed resource availability and utilisation in smallholder dairy systems; the integration of crop and livestock simulation models for ex ante impact assessment and the development of a spatial dimension for the EXTRAPOLATE policy filtering tool developed in association with FAO’s Pro-poor Livestock Policy Initiative.

University of Wales – School of Agriculture and Forest Sciences

We have a history of collaborative research with the agroforesters in the School of Agriculture and Forest Sciences that goes back more than ten years. Our joint activities have focused mainly on the role of tree fodders in livestock production systems of the Himalayan region, including the effective integration of indigenous and technical knowledge about fodder tree production and tree fodder quality.