Climate change is becoming apparent and increasingly threatening. The time scales of climate change on the planet, of course, exceed the average statistical duration of the “political life” of those who make decisions regarding the security and fate of entire nations. Nowadays, the world politics of consumer society is increasingly losing the mask of a human face, exposing its true essence. It is enough to consider the question of what measures are currently being taken to ensure the security of the peoples of certain countries and who in reality ensures security for themselves, hiding behind “concern for the people” …
The policies of certain international organizations and developed countries, some scientists sponsored by them, support the theory that one of the main causes of global climate change on Earth is the anthropogenic impact on nature associated with the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. On this basis, various international documents have been developed, such as, for example, the Kyoto Protocol (supplement to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change). However, practice has shown the inefficiency of such documents …
Ironically, such a reason as “anthropogenic influence” undoubtedly has a place to be, but it is exclusively political and commercial in nature. Instead of the rulers’ expected fulfillment by the rulers of their announced intentions to improve the climate on the planet, in practice, the fulfillment of these obligations was turned into a commercial project, trading in quotas, and only led to the enrichment of individual interested parties. Unfortunately, these international documents became only an argument in trade wars and a factor in exerting pressure on the economic policy of a country. They pursued more business interests of certain individuals than a real attempt to improve something on the planet. Alas, the purely human factor worked again, the dominance of decisions dictated by not the best human motivations of individuals.
Unfortunately, in our world of consumer society, such climatic hypotheses are announced and massively popular that are actually beneficial only to those countries that initiate, support and promote them. In some countries this is a political interest, in others it is economic. But in general – a utopian view of the radical solution of issues related to global climate change. But on the other hand, it is a very real realization of strategic rivalry, a hidden struggle for power and world influence, which increases the risk of confrontation between world powers. As is known from systems theory, any idea that brings high returns is used in increasingly complex conditions until it causes a major disaster.
Impact of anthropogenic factor
No doubt, human activity on a planetary scale negatively affects the environment. But this influence is minimal in comparison with what happens on the planet as a result of the influence of a complex of natural factors, which will only increase in the near future and about which respectable scientists of the world do not stop broadcasting. Today, anthropogenic impact is not the cause of massive planetary cataclysms for the above reasons. Global climate changes on Earth occur due to circumstances independent of mankind and require real consolidation of the efforts of all people on the planet for the survival of civilization in the near future, and every inhabitant of our planet should think about it.
History teaches that the lack of unity of human society on spiritual and moral foundations and joint actions of people on the planet, continent, region in relation to preparation for large-scale cataclysms and disasters results in the destruction of most of these people. And survivors die from incurable diseases, epidemics, self-destruction in wars and civil strife in the struggle for livelihoods. The trouble, as a rule, appears suddenly, causing chaos and panic. Only the advance preparation and unity of the peoples of the world in the face of an imminent natural danger gives mankind great chances for survival and joint overcoming difficulties in an era associated with global climate change on the planet.
The current level of scientific and technological progress allows some developed countries to monitor the situation on Earth on a large scale using space satellites. Complexes of programs and communication systems have been created, thanks to which the monitoring and prediction of the state of processes occurring on the planet or on a specific local area of the Earth is carried out, the parameters of physical changes are recorded. However, modern climate science, based on outdated information about physical processes in the micro and macro world, today is not able to predict extreme natural phenomena in advance, with a large margin of time before the event.